
Affichage des articles du juin, 2024

Ménez N., Delage R., Mano L., Dupont C., 2024 – Un atelier de tisserand devenu poubelle d’une auberge. Aremorica.

  Huîtres plates consommées dans l'auberge au 1er s. ap JC /  Flat oysters eaten in the auberge, 1st c. AC /  1 : L = 99 mm, 2 : L = 104 mm, 3 : L = 105 mm, 4 : L = 95 mm (clichés et DAO © C. Dupont).   Ménez N., Delage R., Mano L., Dupont C. , 2024 – Un atelier de tisserand devenu poubelle d’une auberge. La vie d’un quartier aux abords de la ville de Corseul (Côtes-d’Armor) au Ier s. de notre ère. Aremorica, 11, ISBN979-10-92331-65-3 , 71-124   Abstract  Occasionally, excavations yield enough remains to propose an interpretation that goes beyond the stage of archaeological analysis proper, i.e. one that plunges us into the daily lives of those who lived in a given place. In the present case, we'd like to present a sequence spanning a few decades and covering a small area of just a few hundred square metres, a sequence that can be summed up in the following phrase: "a weaver's workshop turned into an inn's garbage can". In fact, shortly after the inn we